How To Get Rid of Bees Without Harming Them

how to get rid of gnats in house

The easiest way to get rid of fungus gnats is by preventing an infestation from happening altogether. The quickest way to get rid of gnats is to use a bug zapper or collection device that attracts the bugs, kills them and collects them in a removable canister. There's really no solution more trustworthy—or oddly satisfying—than fly paper, which simply catches flying bugs on its sticky surface.

Help! What Are the Small, Tiny Brown Bugs in My House, and What Can I Do About Them?

how to get rid of gnats in house

Be sure to implement the following habits on a regular basis to keep gnats at bay. After analyzing dozens of residential and commercial pest control businesses through this process, we were able to determine the best pest control companies on the market. While it’s usually possible to relocate honeybees, some situations make it difficult. You may not be able to cut into a wall of a historical building, preventing access for the beekeeper. Given that lush yards and flower beds will attract bees, you can’t banish bees off your property without making it unpleasant for yourself, too.

Cinnamon Trap for Fungus Gnats

Place a candle holder in the water, and put a candle in the holder. They can have yellow, tan, black, or brown coloring, and they have long legs compared to their bodies, and wide, flat wings. Some gnats are simply pests, while others actually pollinate plants and play a beneficial role. With warm weather comes a noticeable increase in gnat activity, both inside and outside the home. Fortunately, learning how to get rid of gnats is a simple task that requires just a few supplies. Use this guide to learn how to get rid of gnats in your house, in your garden and in your house plants.

Clear Your Drains and Garbage Disposal

You can either hang "ribbon fly paper" from areas in your home that get a lot of gnat traffic or try window fly paper, which will cover an entire window in an adhesive sheet. Once you have a fruit fly or gnat problem, there are a few different strategies you can use to get rid of the fruit flies and gnats. That old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure definitely comes into play here—and it's much better to keep fruit flies and gnats away in the first place. Gnats are one of the few pests that can also be treated quickly by using home remedies. Home remedies for getting rid of gnats can be used for both indoor and outdoor infestations, as well as alongside other gnat treatment options. You can use dish soap or Castile soap to kill any soft-body insects.

Once gnats go in for a drink, the sticky dish soap will trap them. Simply place the bowl in the areas where you've noticed a swarm of gnats. Gnats are any of several species of small flies that swarm in great numbers. Kyle Morgan, owner of Care Pest Pros in Spicewood, Texas, says the bugs are mainly a problem outdoors in spring and summer, but they’ll hang out indoors all year round. Not only are these “clouds” of gnats generally annoying, some species also bite humans and pets. Some gnats lay their eggs in soil, where the larvae can damage plant roots.

Top your potted plant soil with natural ingredients.

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In Your House - TODAY

How To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In Your House.

Posted: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Place a bowl containing this solution in an area where you’ve seen gnats. They will be lured in by the fruity-sugary mixture, and the sticky dish soap will trap them. Hydrogen peroxide 3% is an easy way to kill soil gnats when they’re in the egg, larval, or pupal stage. Getting rid of the gnat eggs and larvae stops more bugs growing in the soil and helps break the life cycle. Gnat larvae live in soil, and these bugs munch their way through decaying plant matter.

It uses geraniol and lemongrass oil, which are bio-insecticides that don't need to be registered with the EPA, to kill gnats on contact. Though safe around people and pets, don't allow the spray to come into contact with eyes or skin, and the flammable liquid should never be used near electrical wiring. 'Gnats are attracted to moist and dirty areas, so keeping your home cleanand dry is important,' reminds Rick Sun, pest control expert at Green Leaf Air. Also called Bti, Bacillus thuringiensis is a type of bacteria that is effective in killing mosquito and gnat larvae. To use Bti against gnats, it’s important to use the right bacteria strain.

Trap Them With Apple Cider Vinegar

Be sure to wear a mask, gloves and eye protection as drain cleaner can be particularly noxious stuff. One of the most effective methods for controlling and getting rid of gnats is by using a bug zapper. These devices attract gnats and electrocute them, causing them to die and collect in the bottom of the device.

Since fungus gnats typically live and breed in your indoor plants’ potted soil, too much moisture and organic matter in the soil is likely the cause. On the other hand, fruit flies are drawn to decaying fruits, so the bananas sitting on your counter or the bowl of apples on your table could be the cause of that issue. Drain flies are another common type of gnat in homes across the country, and they live and breed in the organic matter in your drain. If you haven’t cleaned your drains in a while and notice some fuzzy gnats that look like tiny moths, you likely have a drain fly issue.

She most often covers energy, environment, sustainable design and travel. And enjoys train travel, volunteering at her local botanic garden and cooking up dinner parties. However, they don’t damage homes like other insects, and they’re generally considered nothing more than nuisances. Take preventative steps to help support the effectiveness of your selected treatment methods and to keep swarms of gnats away for good.

If you have a gnat problem, you may have noticed them swarming around your house plants. Fungus gnats are the most common type of gnat found around house plants. While fungus gnats do not bite people, fungus gnats can damage your plants.

For gnat problems on and around your houseplants, consider using diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle the fine powder in a thin layer on the soil; it will work to kill gnat larvae. Gnats are attracted to salt and moisture, but more specifically to produce, fresh flowers, houseplants, spilled food, and overflowing garbage cans. You may have unknowingly brought home a plant from a garden center that was infested with gnats—or brought freshly picked produce infested with gnats indoors.

This is a good way to remind your household to eat fruit before it starts to spoil. One of the most popular do-it-yourself (DIY) gnat removal methods is the homemade apple cider vinegar trap. It’s a simple strategy of attracting the gnats or fruit flies with food, then trapping them by blocking their exit with a paper cone or plastic wrap. You can make a simple homemade fruit fly trap with apple cider vinegar and dish soap. Fungus gnats lay their eggs in the soil, which is how they're brought into the home. "Either you bring in a plant that has eggs or larvae in the soil already, or you repot with potting mix that has eggs or larvae in it," says Hancock.

Choose one that’s maybe a bit smaller and less obtrusive than others, and pick one that is suitable for indoor use, like our top indoor pick from Aspectek. Chiana has been at Homes & Gardens for two years, having started her journey in interior journalism as part of the graduate program. She also has a first-class degree in Literature from Lancaster University.

how to get rid of gnats in house

She is a board-certified entomologist and volunteers for USAIDs Farmer to Farmer program. She is a professor of Horticulture, an Education Specialist, and a pest specialist. Pepper Moran is a pest control expert with over five years experience in educating homeowners on affordable and earth-friendly ways to protect their homes from pests.


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